At this time, the jobs understood by the Resource Area are limited.

  • Head Appraiser (abbreviated ha)
  • Scoring Appraiser (abbreviated appr)
  • Prep Appraiser (abbreviated prep)
  • A  Non-Scoring Appraiser (abbreviated noscore)
  • Appraiser Team Organizer (abbreviated ato)

Scoring Appraisers can be assigned items to score.  If you are using Mobile Scoring, each appraiser can enter scores using their mobile devices (more here).

Head Appraisers can assign Scoring Appraiser items to score (more here).  They can also monitor Mobile Scoring of their appraisers (more here).

Prep Appraisers check that a team is ready to present their solution.  If your tournament is using Prep Precheck, they review a team's online forms prior to the tournament.  On the day of the tournament they typically make sure teams are ready to show their solution to team challenge. (more here).

A Non-Scoring Appraiser typically aids in scoring teams without assigning scores.  They have access to the Mobile Client for sticky notes and deductions, but do not have any score items assigned to them.

Appraiser Team Organizers can do the same work as Head Appraisers.  At some tournaments, the Head Appraiser has a helper that tracks paperwork and likely checks score sheets before they are sent to a central score room to be tabulated.  If your tournament is doing Mobile Scoring, this person is likely unnecessary.