Traditionally team scores are recorded at a DI tournament on paper score sheets by appraisers and then entered into the DI Scoring Program by data entry staff.

With Mobile Scoring, appraisers enter team scores using Mobile Devices.  These scores are then imported into the DI Scoring program from the Mobile Devices.  The Mobile Devices that can be used include:

  • smart cell phones
  • tablets that support WiFi
  • laptops that support WiFi

Actually any device that can run a modern internet browser such as Google ChromeMicrosoft Edge, or Apple Safari should work. While your affiliate could supply appraisers with devices to use for scoring, you want the appraiser to be comfortable with the device. This suggests that the appraiser provide their own device so they are not trying to learn how to operate the device at the tournament and, in fact, might do some practicing before getting to the tournament.

Mobile Scoring has 3 parts depicted in the diagram below.

  • Mobile Client that runs via a browser on each appraiser mobile device
    The appraisers use the Mobile Client to review online forms and enter and review scores and deductions.

  • the DI Scoring Program that tabulates the tournament scores
    The Scoring Program plays its traditional role of tabulating the results of the tournament. In addition to being able to enter scores from paper score sheets, the Scoring Program can get scores from Mobile Clients.

  • DIHQ Resource Area that allows officials to setup and monitor mobile scoring
    In this documentation, setup is describe here.  We will cover monitoring mobile scoring in this section under Mobile Scoring.