Typical data about a tournament is acquired and entered in the order below. This order controls how tournament data can be reset.

  1. enter the tournament schedule (more info)
  2. enter the appraisers (more info)
  3. assign appraisers to items to be scored (more info)
  4. enter scores (more info)

#1 defines the size of the tournament and therefore how many appraisers you will need.  #2 assigns appraisers to challenges.  This is necessary to determine what they will score.  It is difficult to enter scores (#4) until we know what each appraiser will score (#3).

If you want to reset a tournament, you can do so by editing a tournament. A screen shot of this page is displayed below. You can display it by clicking the Edit Tournament button on the Tournament Dashboard page.

The right side of the page gives a brief summary of the state of the tournament

  • are teams schedule? yes: 79 in this case
  • are appraisers entered? yes: 0 in this case
  • have any scores been entered? no
  • have any teams been advanced? no

The button below this summary will vary based on the state of the tournament as follows:

  • if teams have been advanced, it will be Reset Advancing Teams
  • if no teams have been advanced but teams have been scored, it will be Reset Scores
  • if no teams have been scored but appraisers have been entered, it will be Remove Appraisers
  • if no appraiser have been entered but teams have been scheduled, it will be Remove Schedule
  • otherwise it will say Delete Tournament

This allows you to gracefully reset a tournament with less likelihood of nuking critical data.

If you need to edit the schedule without reseting the tournament, consult updating a schedule.

Below the reset buttons are another set of buttons that let you control access to the tournament by mobile clients. The buttons include:


State Set

Effect on Mobile Clients

Suspend Tournament


mobile clients will be unable to view or change scores

Mark Tournament Final


mobile clients can view scores but cannot change scores

Open Tournament


mobile clients can view and change scores