The Teams by Room page is the best place to monitor the progress of a Challenge Room throughout a tournament.

The screen shot below shows this page for Room Gym where the Technical Challenge (A) was presented.  The tournament is over (State: Final).

There is a table of the teams to present in this room.  We see their team number, organization, challenge & level, and performance times.

Here is a key to the other columns:

  • prep: click the icon to prep this team (more on the prep process here)
  • detail: click here to see the detail of how each appraiser scored and unlock scores (covered in more detail here)
  • raw: indicates the state of returning raw scores (click icon for more detail)
    • indicates the raw scores have been emailed to the Team Managers
    • indicates the raw scores are ready to be discussed with the team
    • blank indicates the raw scores are not ready yet
  • : gives the count of deductions for the team (click number for more detail)
  • : gives the count of comments for the team (click number for more detail)
  • : gives the number of online sticky notes for the team (only present if tournament selected online stickies)
  • last submit: indicates how long ago the last score was submitted
  • : gives the number of appraisers that have submitted their scores
  • : gives the number of appraisers that have started scoring but have not yet submitted