This page is an overview of Resource Area support for Appraisers.  Subtopics will cover Resource Area support in more detail.

As an Appraiser, your interest will center on watching solutions and assigning scores.  Using the Resource Area you can:

  • see the list of the teams you will appraise
  • review team supplied data such as team clarifications and online forms (eg tournament data forms, expense reports...) 
  • if your tournament is using Mobile Scoring 
    • and you are a Scoring Appraiser, you will score the tournament using the Mobile Client
    • and you are a Prep Area Appraiser, you will use the Resource Area to review team online forms
    • and you are a Head Appraiser, you will use the Resource Area to monitor your appraiser room

Appraiser teams are organized by the Resource Area into rooms.  Each room consists of a set of teams doing the same challenge (IC or TC) and will be judged by the set of appraisers assigned to that room.

Your Appraiser Room will definitely have a team of Scoring Appraisers and most likely a Head Appraiser.  In IC, Head Appraisers are often Scoring Appraisers too.  The other appraiser types are included based on need.  You might have other folks in your room like a Timekeeper / Announcer.  While these folks are a vital part of your Appraiser Room, the Resource Area doesn't track them since it has no features specifically for them.

If your tournament is using Mobile Scoring:

  • appraisers (ie Scoring Appraisers) will spend the most of their time using the Mobile Client for entering scores
  • prep, ha and ato folks will use the Resource Area to do their tasks

All types of appraisers will have accounts in the Resource Area.  Each account is defined by a unique email address and has password that you will need to login to the Resource Area. When you use your email and password to login, you should see a Tournaments dropdown menu on the blue menu bar. If you click on dashboard  (Tournaments=>dashboard)  you will be asked to pick your tournament. After doing this, you should see a page similar to the screen shot below.

The left side of the page gives some details on the tournament.  The right side buttons give you access to appraiser features.  This page shows the features for a Head Appraiser. As a prep, ato or appraiser you should see a subset of these features. Where this page says "Actions as Head Appraiser", you should see the type of appraiser you are.  If it says Attendee, the Resource Area does not believe you are an appraiser at this tournament.

See the list below the screen shot for more on appraiser features.

  • View Teams will show the teams at the tournament including the schedule
  • View Officials will provide contact information for the people running the tournament
  • Review Online Forms provides access to teams' online forms - more here
  • Review Clarifications provides access to team clarifications - more here
  • Access Mobile Scoring is covered here
  • Print Score Sheets will produce PDF versions of the score sheets
  • Edit Appraisers is covered here
  • Mobile Client is one way to launch the Mobile Client