This page supplies statistics about the current year's background checks.

By default is shows counts for all affiliates for the selected year.  The filter in the upper right lets you narrow down to a specific affiliate or change the program year.

The first list (Background Check Status Counts) gives the number of background checks for each background check status.  These statuses are explained here.

The middle list (Team Manager Status Counts) gives the number of team managers for each of the Team Manager statuses. These statuses are explained here.  As is clear from page and discussed with the statuses, the background check statuses and the team manager status are not identical.

The last list tallies information about the Coupon Codes.  The Unused count is the number of coupon codes that have been purchased / issued that remain unused.  As coupon codes are NOT tied to a specific season, they could be used at some time in the future.

The Used count is the number of coupon codes used this season.