The Answer Clarifications pane allows ICMs and PDs to provide answers to private clarifications and create public clarifications.

The Answer Clarifications pane lists clarifications as can be seen in the screen shot below. Since long lists are not easy to navigate, a filter is provided to limit the number of clarifications listed.


clarifications go through a series of states in the process of being answered. This filter limits the clarifications listed to those in a specific state.  For more on clarification states click here.


lets you filter on a specific challenge


lets you filter on a specific tag such a clarifications involving a feature of the challenge (say the vehicle).  For more on tags, click here.

Team #

lets you limit the clarifications shown to a specific team


lets you limit the clarifications show to those containing a specific phrase

To edit a clarification, click on the icon to the left of its number in the Details column.  This will display the following page.

To create a new public clarification, click the Add Public button.  This will display the following page.