The Stats pane tallies clarifications over time.

The table at the bottom of the page lists the number of clarifications answered.  It lists both the current program year and the prior year.  The columns contain the following data:

Interval Ending

lists when the interval ends


number of clarifications answered in the interval


average number of clarifications answered per day in the interval


number of clarification answered year-to-date


the percentage of the total reported contributed by this interval

YTD Diff

the difference between the current YTD and prior year YTD

How clarifications are tallied:

The pane looks at all the clarification answered between the Start and End times in the Time Filter.  Note that these are times so you can add hours during the day down to the second. If you enter 2014-10-12 9:30:01, you are specifying 9:30am + 1 sec on Oct 12, 2014 Eastern Time.  If no hour is specified, it is midnight of the date (00:00:00).

The time between Start and End is then divided into intervals of days as specified by the Interval control.  The last interval is extended so that all intervals are of the same length.  For example, if the start date is a Monday, the end of each interval with be a Sunday.  The last Sunday may be a few days after the End date.

The pane then analyzes each clarification the Start and End time.  Based on the time it is answered, it contributes to the appropriate interval count.  The rest of the columns are derived from the count.

The Team Filter controls let you look limit the clarifications that are tallied:


limits the count to a specific challenge.  The prior year will be the prior year challenge of this kind.  If you choose the PO challenge, then it will look at last year's PO challenge.


restricts counts to a specific level


lets you count private and/or public clarifications (public clarifications may not be accurate prior to 2015)


lets you limit who asked the clarification

Program Year

this control is in the upper right corner of the page above the menu bar rather than in the Team Filter.  Using it you can look at prior years.