Mobile Scoring provides Scoring Appraisers will most team information directly in the Mobile Client.  This information includes:

  • Online Forms (such as Tournament Data Forms(TDF), Expense, Reports, and Prep Checklists)
  • Team Clarifications
  • Messages from prep

This significantly reduces the amount of paperwork teams need to bring to the tournament.  It can also get this information more quickly to the Scoring Appraisers as it can be available days in advance of the tournament rather than waiting for Prep to collect this paperwork the day of the tournament.

To view online information about the team, we will use the tab menu just below Team Notes.  When you first select a team in the Mobile Client, the Scoring tab is displayed. By clicking on Documents you can see online forms and team clarifications.  The rightmost tab will display Messages from Prep.

The example below shows the Document tab.  The Documents tab also has a tabbed menu.  In this case it is showing the team's TDF.