Global Finals is a large event and requires many people to be run successfully.

One important group of volunteers are called Officials. At Global Finals Officials fill a number of roles including:

  • as Appraisers for the both Team Challenge and Instant Challenge
  • as Score Room personnel
  • as assistants for Team Registration and other events held throughout the tournament
  • as assistants at Souvenir Sales, helping with international teams, and various forms of media (such as the websites)

Global Finals Officials go through a selection process that is managed by this web site. The steps are as follows:

  1. a potential official is nominated
    This is typically done by the AD in your affiliate, one of the ICMs, or a member of the DI Staff. These nominations mainly take place in the fall. Those able to nominate officials will see a menu pick Officials => nominate. Note that potential officials are not notified immediately after you enter them. DIHQ notifies nominees near the end of the nomination period.
  2. people nominated are asked to apply
    Emails asking nominees to apply to be an Official typically are send in the December-January time frame. The application process (Officials => apply) inquires about your experience as an Appraiser (Appraisers for a challenge need to have experience with that challenge at the affiliate level). The application also probes the roles you are willing to play and your availability during the time of Global Finals.
  3. the ICMs and DI Staff assign officials to jobs
    This process takes a while as it is important to get the right balance of experience and diversity on the teams of officials for the tournament. The officials selected are most often notified via email in the month of March.
  4. selected officials are asked to register for the tournament
    Registration for Global Finals is done via this website (Officials => register). This is the point where you tell us about a roommate you might like for the event, when you will arrive, and how to contact you when you are at the event.

Note that some kinds of officials do not go through this process. ADs, ICMs, and contractors are examples. These people still need to register with the website (step 4), but are not nominated and selected via the process outlined above.

Further details on steps of the Officials Registration process are covered in later sections of Hints and Tips:




Please call the office at 888-321-1503 if you have questions not answered by the topics in this section.