Global Finals Official Registration lets many different individuals register for the event.  These include:

  • officials that have been selected as appraisers and score room personel
  • officials that will be working in concessions, team registration, on the events team, etc
  • international challenge masters
  • affiliate directors, regional directors, affiliate training directors
  • trustees of the board
  • contractors, DIHQ staff
  • Very Important Guests

To register in any of the roles above you will need a DI account.  Guests of these officials DO NOT need a DI Account.

Officials Registration does NOT deal with the registration of teams or team managers.

In general, DI pays for the room and board of most officials.  The number of days that DI will cover these expenses varies from role to role.  This website will offer packages to you based on your role.

Below is a screen shot of the Confirm pane of Officials Registration wizard.

  • Note that you display the wizard using the register pick on the Officials menu
  • Your role is listed above with wizard bar (eg Jill is an Affiliate Director)
  • You can move among the panes of the wizard by clicking on
    • the Continue button to save you choices and move to the next step
    • the buttons in the wizard bar (Confirm, Personal, Housing, Special Requests, Reserve, Pay)