The Officials Registration process starts with volunteers being nominated to assist in running the Global Finals tournament. As is described in the overview, volunteers are mostly nominated by:

  • their Affiliate Director
  • an International Challenge Master
  • member of the DI Staff
  • board of trustees

If you are able to nominate Officials, you will see nominate on the Officials menu. The screen displayed below should be similar to the one showing your nominations for this Global Finals. If you have not nominated anyone yet for this year, the list will be empty.

Trouble shooting:

There are 3 panes that make up nomination of Officials

  1. My Nominees -- the initial pane displaying your nominees (shown above)
  2. Edit My Nominees -- the pane for editing your nominees (more detail)
  3. Affiliate Nominees -- a list of all the nominees whose primary affiliate is the same as yours or live in your affiliate