The properties of a room can be edited by clicking the icon next to the room you want to edit in Setup Rooms.

In this topic we'll discuss:

  1. changing a room's properties
  2. using the page to shift teams from one room to another

Changing a Room's Properties

The screen shot below will edit the IC room ic-ml-1.  

The Teams in Room area lets you edit the name of the IC room, which levels and challenges it supports.  The Room Slot Properties adjusts the Start Time, the lengths of each performance slot (Slot Length), Break Slot Length and Lunch Slot Length.  

As you adjust Room Slot Properties, the room schedule is changed (middle of the page). You can also delete an individual slot by clicking on the icon to the right side of the slot.  The icon will insert a slot of the type for the slot just prior to the slot.  The icon at the end of the day will add a performance slot to the end of the day.

The Select Room area lets you move to another room.

We'll discuss the note below Select Room separately below as as we need to think about what happens to teams assigned to the room or assigned to a slot.

Changing Teams in a Room

It is common that teams are assigned to rooms at the point you want to move them to better balance the number of teams a room will appraise.  This is the case in the example cited here where we want to better balance:

  • IC room ic-ml-1 
    • from handling ML-A, ML-B, ML-C and ML-PO (20 teams)
    • to handling ML-A, ML-B, ML-E (13 teams)
  • IC room ic-ml-2
    • from handling ML-D and ML-E (6 teams)
    • to handling ML-C, ML-D, ML-PO (13 teams)

You adjust the balance by editing rooms

  • IC room ic-ml-1
    • un-check C (art) and PO (serv)
    • check E (eng)
  • IC room ic-ml-2
    • un-check E (eng)
    • check C (art) and PO (serv)

It is best to do this in a specific order if you have teams assigned to the rooms.  That orders is:

  1. un-check all levels / challenges in the rooms involved in the switch
  2. check the new levels / challenges 

The reason for doing this is that un-check will remove all the teams that match your change.  Once you check challenge / levels you can click Assign Teams to place the teams in the new room.

Changing Room Slot Properties will also unschedule teams.