Buddy Teams wanted!

The Buddy Team program pairs domestic (US) teams with international teams in order to foster a multi-cultural exchange experience. Paired teams support one another throughout the tournament and have the opportunity to form life-long friendships. Teams are matched based on their level of competition and, where possible, in a different Challenge.

Buddy Teams will meet on Wednesday morning from 8am-9:30am at World's Fair Park. It is customary that the teams exchange small gifts with each other, so please come prepared. During the course of the event, teams have meals together, support each other during Challenge presentations, and engage in fun activities. It is up to you and your buddy team how much time you would like to spend together.

Any team can participate in this wonderful experience. Both domestic and international teams must register to be a buddy team during online registration. Not all domestic teams will be paired with an international team due to the large number of applicants. Pairings are done on a random basis and your team will be informed of their buddy team two weeks prior to the competition. We ask that any domestic team wishing to participate in the program is available for a Wednesday Morning Meet and Greet event.

Due to the disparity between the number of domestic versus international teams, not all domestic teams who register will be able to participate in the program. Your team will be notified about 10 days before the event whether you were assigned a Buddy Team or not.