There are a number of choices available to your team for Housing at Global Finals.  They include:

  1. when your team plans to arrive
    Competition begins for most challenges on Wed.  Opening Ceremonies (an event your team will not want to miss) is on Wed evening.  It can take some time for your team to acclimate to US Eastern Time and the University of Tennessee.  Check out the Notes in the fees table below for advice on when to arrive.

  2. the type of housing you want
    DI offers a number of different types of housing outlined in the table below.  It is on the Housing pane that you tell us your decision.

Housing Type


With Affiliate

In this case you will be housed with your affiliate as long as numbers allow.  Both residence halls and hotels are used to house affiliates, with final assignments occurring just a week or two before the event.  You will be able to find out whether your team has been assigned to a residence hall or a hotel approximately one week before the event by going to the Global Finals website.

Note that this Housing Type has a minimum number of team members and adults as explained below.

Special Request Hotel

In this case, teams requesting hotel housing will not be housed with their Affiliate unless their Affiliate is housed in a hotel.  Affiliate housing will encompass all residence halls and most, if not all, of the downtown hotel properties.  Teams that request hotel housing will most likely be assigned to properties outside the downtown area.  If you are requesting hotel housing, your entire group must arrive on the same day.  All hotels will have event sponsored transportation to and from the event continuously from early morning until late evening.

If you have special circumstances that make hotel housing better for your group, choose this option. We can guarantee you a hotel space, but again you will not be housed with teams from your Affiliate if they are housed in residence hall space.

Note that this Housing Type has a minimum number of team members and adults as explained below.

team registration without housing + lunch

Your team can choose to not stay in DI housing, however, your team will need to pay a registration fee.  This fee does include Event Passes and lunch on Wednesday through Saturday for up to 10 people. The 10 people can be team managers, participants or spectators.  See the Package Table for more details.

team registration without housing + meals

This choice is similar to the above choice, however, lunch is expanded to all meals on Wednesday through Saturday.  See the Package Table for more details.

Team Requirements when using DI Housing

When you choose either With Affiliate or Special Request Hotel Housing Types, all your team members plus one adult (typically the team manager) must choose a Room and Board Housing Package (these are referred to as A packages in the Package Table).  If your team does not meet this requirement, the Attendees Pane will not display charges.  Instead it will state: Team has too few A Packages.

Here are examples of the rule being applied:

team members



A package count

Sufficient Packages




7 x 1A + 1 x 2A


Since the team has 7 members, 8 A packages are needed.  This team has 8 A packages and thus sufficient A packages.



5 x 2A + 1 x 2A


Since the team has 6 members, 7 A packages are needed.  This team has only 6 A packages and thus is flagged as having insufficient A packages.



4 x 2A + 3 x 2A


Since the team has 6 members, 7 A packages are needed.  This team has 7 A packages and thus sufficient A packages.

What is the remedy for insufficient A packages:

  1. more team members or adults need to switch to A packages
  2. switch to one of the two Housing Types team registration without housing