Participating teams are likely the most vital part of a tournament.  The number of participating teams drives the choice of locations for the tournament and the number of appraisers that will be needed to judge the tournament.

From a team's perspective, typically the date of your tournament sets the sequence for what needs to be accomplished to present solutions to the team's challenge.  Most affiliates determine the date of their tournaments months in advance of the actual event, however, that information sometimes takes a while before it is set in the Resource Area.

For teams in general the sequence of steps are:

  1. register for your tournament
    For bigger affiliates the first registration is likely a regional tournament.  For smaller affiliate, the first registration might be for the affiliate tournament.  Registering typically does NOT happen in the Resource Area.  It is more likely to take place on another website such as Register Your Teams, be done by an affiliate website site, or even using a paper registration form. 

    To learn more you can check Find DI Near Me for a person to contact in your affiliate.

  2. fill out your online forms
    Your team needs to fill out several forms to aid the Appraisers at your tournament in appraising your solution.  This is typical done within a week or 2 of your tournament once your team and their solution has been figured out.  Online forms are discussed in detail here.

    The menu pick team=>my tournaments is where in the Resource Area you navigate to work on online forms.  If your team is not listed, it may be that your team or the officials running your tournament have not yet added this information from the registration step (#1).

  3. check performance times
    At your tournament, your team will present their solution to their team challenge and also solve an instant challenge.  Many tournaments post the times for each team's team challenge and instant challenge in the Resource Area.  If in the Resource Area it will be posted at the menu pick tournaments=>view teams.

  1. attend your tournament
    Enjoy your day at your tournament.