The Registration Counts pane monitor the officials registration process.

The pane has 3 tables:

  • Nomination Counts: displays the number of nominee -- these are broken down as follows
    • accepted: the number of nominees that accepted our nomination
    • conditional: the number of nominees that wish to come but cannot still need to make arrangements before accepting
    • declined: the number of nominees that declined our nomination
    • unknown: the number of nominees that took no action on their nomination.  The first step when applying in response to a nomination is to accept, accept conditionally, or decline.  This count reflects nominees that did not complete this first step.
  • Officials Counts: displays counts of officials during registration
    The columns actually expand on the kinds of officials taking in people that do not go through the nomination process (see Officials Registration for more details).  The rows are now the states of registration.
    • reserved: have finished registering for the event and will attend
    • accept: accepted a specific job at the event but have not yet finished registration
    • decline: need to decline their job
    • conditional: still dependent on something like getting the time off work such that they cannot reserve
    • unknown: probably due to people in unexpected states (should be looked at)
  • Officials Arrival Counts: displays the days people are expected to arrive
    This table shows demand for hotel rooms.  Again some individuals are potentially added or removed.
    • guests are additions
    • if an individual chooses to room with their affiliate, they are not counted