Nomination Counts
The Nomination Counts panes monitors the nomination process.
The nomination counts are organized by affiliate since the most common nominators are ADs and RDs. Each row in the table indicates the nomination from a specific affiliate. The columns in the table have the following meaning:
- In - Total: the number of nominees whose primary affiliate is this affiliate
- the count is actually a link that will list the nominees
- By - Total: the number of nominees by directors in that affiliate
- the count is actually a link that will list the nominees
- Not Email: nominees are notified of having been nominated by email. This count indicates the number that have not been emailed yet.
- ADs: count of affiliate director nominations
- RDs: count of regional director nominations
- ATDs: count of affiliate training director nominations
Note that most staff nominations appear on the affiliate other.
The table is long. Use the filter and sort controls to limit the number of affiliates displayed.