There are 2 sources of scoring information rather than just one.

  1. Scoring Program XMLs
  2. Score Sheets XMLs

The majority of the information used during the scoring process comes from the Scoring Program XMLs.  The Score Sheet XMLs (in particular the content XMLs) dictates the text on score sheets.

One area of difference between the 2 descriptions is the definitions that accompany some scored items.  For example, below A.1 there is a definition of Technical Design for Machine Module.  While the DI Scoring Program has little use for this definition, users of the Mobile Client do.  The steps below show how to get these definitions to appear in the Mobile Client.

The page that does this is Admin=>access utilities.  In the Utilities section click Translate Documents button to see the pages below.  The first screen shot shows the initial state of the page for a challenge year.   

To get definitions for all the challenges:

  1. select a Challenge
  2. click the Scan Score Sheets button to scan score sheets for text that might want translating (this includes definitions)
  3. click the Scan Scored Items button to scan scoring xmls for text that might want translating

Now the page should look similar to the one below.  The Resource Area has created 2 translation sets: chal_a that includes text items specific to Challenge A and a shared set of text items used across the challenges.  Clicking the icon will show you the set of terms.  The gear icon will use Google Translate to translate the terms to another language.

Clicking the Scan Scored Items button:

  1. produces the display score-items not found list
  2. hooks up definitions to score items (our goal)

Check the score-items not found for differences in items between the score sheets and the scoring program.  These are inconsistencies that likely want to be fixed.  B2 is not on the score sheet since it is on the worksheet (so that's expected).  The Team Choice elements are listed because they are in the chal_common set rather than chal_a.  

If a challenge is removed and then added again, you need to repeat this step to get the definitions.