For the Web Scoring Program (WSP) monitoring starts when you launch the WSP by:

  1. Clicking the Web Scoring Program button in the Scoring Program section of your tournament dashboard (Tournaments=>dashboard)
    This displays the Start Scoring Program page.
  2. Clicking the Start Scoring Program button
    This launches the WSP in a new tab in your browser.

Below is a screen shot of the WSP when we only have a few teams with no scores.

  • the green chal-levs are complete (ie all the scores are in)
  • the orange chal-levs still have outstanding scores
    Within the box for a chal-lev
    • the count of incomplete teams is listed
    • to see the teams for any chal-lev, click on it's box (example below)

The screenshot below shows the teams in the chal-lev EL: Art (In Motion challenge).  The left column lists all the chal-levs.  As you click on a chal-lev, its teams are shown in the right column.  Based on the screen shot, it is the first team Windham School District where scores are missing.

Note that we don't need to return to the page above to see a different chal-lev. Just click on the chal-lev in the left column and its teams are displayed in the right column.

To see the scores for a specific team, click on the team in the right column.  They should be displayed as we see further down this page.

The screenshot below shows the scores for team 130-63181 Grantham Village School in chal-lev EL: Art In Motion.

Both the team challenge and instant challenge scores are displayed in a 3rd column (team challenge first, then instant challenge).  Team challenge is scored by 3 appraisers each doing a subset of the score-items.  If a score has not yet been reported, the score is blank.  There is also a deduction on score-item D2.

Instant challenge is also scored by 3 appraisers.

To display the scores of different team, click on the team in the middle column.  The right column will be replaced with that team's scores.