The kids that participate in the DI Team Challenge program work in teams.  For a detailed description of DI teams and team numbers refer to the DI Rules of the Road (aka RotR).  

As a brief introduction to the concept of a DI team that might help you navigating this site, consider the following:

  • a DI team consists of 2-7 kids
  • to gain access to the DI materials for the current DI season (Aug thru May), the team needs a team number
  • team numbers can be bought on the DI website
  • a purchased team number comes with
    • an actual team number (eg 130-12345) that identifies the team for the season
    • access to each of the DI Team Challenges for the season
    • access to the Rules of the Road (basic rules of the program)
    • access to various training materials to help a new team get acclimated to DI
  • the person that purchases the team number has access to this website -- the account they used to purchase the team number is their account on this website
  • the Purchaser can identify other adults that are important to the team
    • the Coordinator: typically a person that helps form teams (initial set to be the purchaser)
    • one or more Team Manager(s) who facilitate the team solving their chosen challenge
    • the Purchaser, Coordinator, and Team Manager can access materials through the Resource Area (Documents=>view documents)
  • after studying the DI Team Challenges, the team picks the one they wish to solve
  • the team also has a level where they will compete
    • this level can be: Early Learning, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, or University
    • this level is determined by either the highest age or grade level of the kids on the team (see the RotR)

The Teams menu is designed to manage information about DI teams.  The roles listed below are a part of the management of team information.

  • Team Managers (TM), Team Coordinators (TC), Team Number Purchaser (TP)
    • can set a specific team's
      • challenge
      • level
      • team name
      • organization
      • organization location
    • can change coordinators and managers
  • Affiliate Directors and Regional Directors
    • can assign teams to regions
    • can set team specific info listed above
    • can schedule to participate in a tournament

The Team menu has the following menu items:

  • Teams=>my teams: lists all the teams where you are 
    • team manager
    • teams coordinator
    • team number purchaser
  • Teams=>affiliate summary: lists the number of teams in an affiliate by
    • region
    • challenge
    • level
  • Teams=>affiliate teams (ADs and RDs): lists the teams in your affiliate(s) / region(s)
  • Teams=>assign teams (mainly ADs): supports assigning teams to regions
  • Teams=>import / export: supports uploading and downloading team information