The website tracks a number of attributes of an affiliate beyond its regions, roles, and events.  An AD can see and edit these on the Affiliates=>manage affiliate page.

Some Attributes are associated with the current program year and some are not. 

Here is the list of Attributes not related to the current program year and their usage.  Most of this information does not need to change from year to year.  




the name of you affiliate call the office at 888-321-1503 if a change is needed


a short alphabetic code used in tables to represent your affiliate

Affiliate Id

a 3 digit number that represents your affiliate -- this is used as a prefix for all your team numbers


the area of the globe where your affiliate is located


your website

RDs assign regions

if checked, your RDs can assign teams to regions (Teams=>assign regions)

Team Number Purchases

if checked, teams can still purchase team number for this affiliate

Custom Message

a message that will accompany each team number purchase

Attributes related to the current program are at the bottom of the page.  Make sure the correct program year is selected. Most of this information changes as the year progresses.  The attributes start enabled, but are turned off as the season progresses.



import enabled

if this is NOT checked, importing of teams and team managers will be disabled. 
Instead of these import panes showing you controls to designate your input file, you will see: Import of team information is disabled for affiliate: <your affiliate>

change organization enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's organization

change team name enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's name 

change location enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's location

change challenge/level enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's challenge or level

change active enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to mark a team active or in-active

change coordinator/team manager enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to add or remove team managers or the team coordinator

assign regions enabled

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's region

change school/campus

if NOT checked, you will not be able to change a team's school / campus

add team members to Resource Area

if NOT checked, team members must be added through Register Your Teams