The Housing Pane lets you described your housing preferences while at Global Finals.

The packages available to you are listed in the Available Housing Package box. As explained in the introduction to this wizard, the packages are based on your role.  All packages other than VIPs end on Sunday morning.  The day you arrive will likely be based on the first meeting you need to attend.  If the packages available to you do not suit the job you are asked to do, call the office at 888-321-1503.

In general, all officials are housed with a roommate. The Your Roommate box lets you choose your roommate.  The following table describes the options:



I will room with another official

In this case you can choose your roommate using the dropdown or let us find you a roommate by choosing --pick for me--.  If your intended roommate is not on the list, it could be for a number of reasons:

  • they are rooming with someone else or have a single
  • they have not indicated they are coming yet

Contact them to see where they are in their registration process.

I prefer a single

There are a limited number of single rooms. Your single room is NOT reserved until your registration is reserved.  The additional charge will be added to your bill that you can pay using the Pay pane.

I will room with my affiliate

This choice is typically reserved for Affiliate Directors that choose to room with their teams rather than with Officials.

I will bring a guest

Like single rooms, guest rooms are also limited.   Your guest room is NOT reserved until your registration is reserved.  The additional charge will be added to your bill that you can pay using the Pay pane.