The Import Winners pane lets you enter information about the teams 

Using a .CSV spreadsheet

There are 2 common techniques for creating the .CSV file that you import:

  1. The DI scoring program
    The scoring program will generate a file containing the winners of a tournament.  Ask your scoring guru to Export the Advancing Teams and send you a copy.  This will contain much of the information (but not all) of the information you need.

  2. A file you generate yourself
    Below we will describe the format of the file.

In both cases the file is a spreadsheet in comma-separated-value (.CSV) format.  A number of spreadsheet tools such as Microsoft Excel are capable of generating such a file (save the file in this format).  

The import file has a row per team.  The information Import File is looking for is listed in the table below.  There is no fixed order for the columns. Import File will read the first row of your file for the column names.  It will then ask you to match your columns to fields you want to import.  If you don't want to import an optional column, select not matched in the dropdown for that field.

Note that Import File deletes previously entered teams. It does this after it determines there are no errors in your import file; just before it starts entering your teams.




challenge letter


each challenge has a letter designation:

  • A = technical challenge
  • B = scientific challenge
  • C = fine-arts challenge
  • D = improvisational challenge
  • E = structure challenge
  • PO = project outreach

You can also use the full name of this year's challenge such as Feary Tales



each team has a level:

  • EL = elementary level
  • ML = middle level
  • SL = secondary level
  • UL = university level

You can also use the full name of the level such as elementary

team number


is the team's number in format aaa-ttttt where:

  • aaa = affiliate number
  • ttttt = team number

for example: 750-54321 designates team 54321 from Texas (affiliate 750)



is the organization that bought the team number
Import will compare the organization to the one on record and warn you if they are different.  Import  will not replace the organization on record with the information in the import file if they differ.

team name


is the team name selected by the team.  If provided, import will replace the team name with the name provided in the import file.

Import checks your import file as it reads it.  It will list any problems or potential problems it finds.  For example:

Messages Processing Import File

  • [9] error -- (130-85231) unknown level:RS

This says that on line [9] for team (130-85231) an error was found.  The level was listed as RS rather than one of the levels listed above (Rising Stars teams do not advance to Global Finals).  Since this is an error, no import takes place.  A message may also be marked as info or warning.  Such a message does not prevent the import from occurring; it is just notifying you of something you might want to check.

Using teams advanced from your affiliate tournament

If you used the Resource Area to declare the teams advancing from your tournaments to the next level of competition, Import Advanced will initialize your certified winner list based on the teams your affiliate advanced as winners of the Affiliate Tournament.

Unlike Import File, Import Advanced does not delete any teams prior to doing the import.