There are a number of adults associated with a team of kids:

  • Team Purchaser (TP): this is the individual that buys the team number
  • Team Coordinator (TC): this is the individual that typically handle administrative tasks such as organizing kids into teams
  • Team Manager (TM): a person that works with the kids helping them pick and solve their challenge

Each team has a TP that is set when team number is purchased.  The TC is initially set to the TP, however, it can be changed by editing the team.  At the time of purchase, the team has no TMs.  One or more TMs can be added or removed by editing the team or using Import / Export Team Managers.

The Import / Export Team Managers pane supports the bulk import and export of team managers amd coordinators.  Import lets an AD or RD associate adults as team managers pr coordinators based on the content of spread sheet (.CSV format).  Export will create a spread sheet that contains information about team managers and coordinators.

Importing Team Managers and Coordinators

To be a team manager or coordinator, a person must have a DI Account.  When you import a list of team adults, the importer will check to see that each person has an account.  If they do not, the importer offers some options for dealing with the lack of an account.

The page will import team information from a spread sheet in comma-separated-value (.CSV) format.  A number of spread sheet tools such as Microsoft Excel are capable of generating such a file (save the file in this format).  

Each row in the import file represents a different adult with the first row being a header (naming what is in each column).  Import will import the following fields:

  • role: (either TM or TC) indicates if you are adding a team manager or coordinator (the column is optional and defaults to TM)
  • team number (xxx-xxxxx): this is a required column and must match the team number of a team in your affiliate for the current year
  • first name: this is a required column holding the first name of the person
  • last name: this is a required column holding the last name of the person
  • email: the email of the person (each DI Account has a unique email address so this is the key piece of information for finding the account)

To import team managers and/or coordinators go through the following sequence:

  1. create a .CSV format file
  2. go to Teams=>import / export and pick the Team Roles pane
  3. use the Browse button to select the file you created (the Chrome browser calls it Choose File) and click the Import Role Info button
  4. the website will look at your file an try to match your file's columns to the fields listed above
  5. you can change the column to field mapping by using the drop downs in the Your File Column column (use not matched if you want the importer to ignore a field)
  6. choose the options on the right to further guide the importer
    • skip people without accounts: the importer skips any person that does not have an account
    • ask people to create account: if the importer can't find an account for the person, it will send an email asking that they set up an account.  Upon completing this step, they will be setup as a team manager or coordinator for this team.
    • match on email only: the importer by default checks that the first name, last name and email match.  Using this option, it will match an account 
    • just using the email address.
    • delete managers not listed: this is the most complex option; it is explained in more detail below.  It basically will disassociate a team manager it finds that is not listed in your import file.
  1. analyze any message for changes to make to your file (note that the importer will make no changes if it encounters errors in your import file)

Learning the team managers of teams typically takes place over a fairly long period of time (months).  There are also potential multiple ways a team manager might get added.  They may write a clarification or they may be interested in downloading some documents managed by the site.  The importer is designed with this in mind.

Your file does not need to contain every team manager in your affiliate.  By default it will add any team managers it does not know about and skip the team managers already associated with the team.  When it finds a team manager without an account, it gives you the option of skipping this team manager or having the site contact them through email to set up an account (once they create the account, they will be established as a team manager).

So how do you deal with a team manager that is no longer associated with a team.  A simple approach is to use editing the team.  You can also use the option delete managers not listed.  This works as follows: If you include a team in your import file, any team managers associated with this team that are not in the import file are removed.  For example, lets say A and B are listed as team managers for team xxx-12345.  If B and C are in your import file as TMs for xxx-12345, without this option, C would be added (A, B and C are now TMs).  If the option is set, A will be removed and C will be added (B and C are now TMs).  Note that teams not mentioned in your input file are unaffected.

Exporting Team Managers and Coordinators

The page will export team manager and coordinator information as a spread sheet in comma-separated-value (.CSV) format.  Such a file can be viewed by a number of spread sheet tools such as Microsoft Excel.

The exporter has a two controls that affects its operation: 

  1. Region drop down:  If you specify a region, only that region will be included in the spread sheet.  If you specify no region, all regions in the affiliate will be included.
  2. Role drop down: controls the roles that are exported