The Challenge-Level pane allows the ICMs and the Program Directors to control the shutdown of the Awards process.

The screen shot below shows the Challenge-Level pane.

  • Each challenge is represented by a column
  • Each level within a challenge (called a challenge level) has a pair of dropdowns
    • one for team challenge
    • one for instant challenge
  • Each dropdown lets either team challenge or instant challenge be set to 1 of 3 states
    • Open (pink): officials can continue to submit awards
    • Apprs-done (yellow): officials can no longer submit awards, however, the ICMs and the Program Directors can continue to approve and edit awards already submitted.
    • Done (green): this challenge level's award are complete and locked from being changed

In the screen shot we see:

  • Instant Challenge is Done across all challenge levels
    • since IC awards are rare, the Administrators have a means of setting all IC challenge levels to a specific state on the Misc Actions pane
    • this pane could be used to Open a specific challenge level if a need arises
  • Looking in detail at Team Challenge for Challenge A: Assembly Required
    • Elementary Level is still Open for awards to be submitted
    • Middle Level is not Open to awards being submitted, but the ICMs and Program Directors are still working on the awards
    • Both Secondary and University Levels are Done (completed)
      • Once in this state, the video crew can start setting up the jumbo-trons for these levels with little likelihood of needing to re-edit them later.

To change the state of any challenge level, just use the dropdown to do so.  You can re-Open an Apprs-done challenge-level if need be.

Here is a suggested way of using the states:

  • When a challenge site has finished with its awards, have the ICMs set the challenge level to Apprs-done.
    • This is an indication that there are no more new awards to come.
    • The ICMs might want to review the merit and text of the award and get them to an icm-approved status.
  • Set a challenge level to Done when all the awards in a challenge-level are approved or declined and no further editing is anticipated.