The Output Results pane is largely to assist the Events Team to prepare for the Closing Ceremonies.

The pane provides:

  • the Reports needed to recognize and announce the winning teams (Reports controls in upper right)
  • the status of each challenge level
    • including a means of downloading the specific award winners for entry into the Chyron (disk icons)

The screen shot below illustrates the Output Results pane with work left to be done.

  • Each Challenge is a column on the pane
  • Each level within a Challenge (ie challenge level) is a block of 4 lines
    • line 1: name of the challenge level followed by a count (<award-count> of <team-count>)
      • the first number is the number of approved special awards
      • the second number is the number of teams in the challenge level
    • line 2: the time the last team was imported into the website for this challenge level
      • looking at the information we see that the place finishes were imported in 2 batches
        • 1:17pm
        • 1:37pm
      • the Chyron team can begin there prep at 1:17 and based on a changing time know if there is a need to revisit a challenge level due to a later time
    • line 3: the time the last special award was approved
    • line 4: the state of the challenge level
      • the disk icon in column 1 can be used to create a spreadsheet with the current challenge level data
      • the status provides a level of confidence as to whether this data will change
        • if place has a time and status is done, this challenge level is unlikely to change
        • note that status here is a combination of the ic and tc status seen in the Challenge-Level pane

At a quick glance, it appears:

  • the place scoring of the tournament is complete
  • there is a considerable way to go on special awards as most challenge levels are not Done

While the reports can be run at any time, they will only contain the data known at the point they are run.