Add person with DI Account
When adding a new role to your affiliate, you are initially presented with the screen captured below.
The key point to understand is that the website wants to find the DI Account of the person that you want to add. There are really 2 cases:
- the person has a DI Account
- the person does not have a DI Account
We want to avoid multiple accounts for the person. This leads to problems down the road as the person might not log into the account without the role that you are setting up. They then wonder why they can't do what they expect to do.
In an attempt to alleviate this problem, the website tries to make it easy for you to find their account. The controls on the first page (listed below) let you:
- Look at people in your affiliate that held specific roles in the past or at present
To do this in the area Select DI Account by Prior Role, choose the role the person held and click on the List Prior button. A list of people that have held that role will be listed at the bottom of the page. You can select a person by clicking theicon to the left of their name. If you see the person listed more than once, they have multiple accounts already (that's bad), the best choice is the most recent year.
- If the person has not held a role in your affiliate, they may still have a DI Account (could have held a role in a different affiliate or perhaps they were a coordinator). In this case, use the controls in the area Select DI Account by Name. Put their last name in the Last Name field and click on the List Accounts button. If their last name is common such as Smith or Jones, you might try adding there first initial followed by an *. This will narrow the search to people whose first name starts that initial. A list of people matching your query will be listed at the bottom of the page. You can select a person by clicking the
icon to the left of their name. If you see the person listed more than once, they have multiple accounts already (that's bad). You should contact them to see which account to use.
- If the above techniques do not find the person's DI Account, it may be they don't have one. In this case, click the Add New Account button to initiate the creation of a new DI Account. The steps to do this are discussed here.