To use Mobile Scoring you do need certain hardware and software. This topic covers these requirements.  


Appraisers are divided into 2 groups:

  1. scoring appraisers who will use the Mobile Client
  2. other appraisers (Head and Prep appraisers) who use the Resource Area

Scoring appraisers can run the Mobile Client on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.  Typically appraisers are asked to supply this device mainly because we want them to use a device they are familiar with. The requirements of the device are:

  • it must be capable of running a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge.
    This device will connect to the internet in the appraiser's room at the tournament.  This might be via the building's internet or through cellular data.
  • the choice of type of device is based on the appraisers comfort
    All 3 (smartphone, tablet, laptop) work well for entering scores.  Entering text is part of sticky notes and creating deductions.  Some may prefer a keyboard in this case.

Head Appraisers and Prep Appraisers use the Resource Area to do their jobs.  The Resource Area is easier to use on a laptop or  tablet.  It is best if these appraisers supply the device they wish to use.  If a tournament is using Pre-Prep, these appraisers will have actively been using the Resource Area from home before the tournament.

Appraisers should think about battery life of their device.  Scoring appraisers are NOT continuously using the Mobile Client.  An appraiser might have 20 minutes per team.   Of those 20 minutes, 3-4 minutes likely involve reading team forms on their device and 2-4 minutes entering scores.  DI requires the team be supplied with a 115V AC power source.  Also consider another 115V AC source for the appraisers (don't double up with the team's power source).

You should also check on the challenges for the current year. One challenge might provide a spreadsheet to assist in the scoring.  These spreadsheets are usually easier to use on a laptop (MS Excel is a common tool used for the spreadsheets).

Score Room

The Score Room hardware and software are different based on whether you score the tournament using the Classic Scoring Program (CSP) or Web Scoring Program.

CSP requirements

Requires a computer running a recent version of Windows (10 or 11) or a recent version of MacOS.  The CSP is java-based and requires OpenJDK 15 to be installed.  You also need to download and install the CSP.  This machine will need an internet connection so you can download team information and scores from the Resource Area.  Here is more information on installing the CSP.

You don't need a particularly powerful machine.  It is best to do the installation well in advance of the tournament to resolve any installation issues and determine if you can navigate easily among the program's windows conveniently on the computer.  

WSP requirements

Requires a computer running a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge.  Such a browser requires an internet connection.  There is nothing to install in this case.

Other requirements

  • a computer to monitor the Resource Area
    You already have this if running the CSP or WSP.  You might want to consider a second laptop.  This would act as a backup in case your main computer stops working.  It is also useful to monitor Resource Area and the scoring program simultaneously.  It might be easier to do this on separate screens.

  • a printer
    Do you need to print out results (more here)?  Other printing might be useful during the tournament.  The Score Room is a good central place.  Make sure you have paper and toner to do the job.

  • a communication device
    Decide how it is best to reach the Score Room during a tournament.  It might be text or email.  A mobile device so you can be reached is good to plan before the day of the tournament.  If you visit various appraiser rooms during the day, it is useful to be able to get to the Resource Area while in the appraiser room.

  • extra Mobile Devices
    It is not uncommon for a few appraisers to have trouble connecting their device to the Mobile Client.  If you can't diagnose the problem quickly, another solution is to offer them a device that works for the day. Some appraisers will bring extra devices.  That is another solution, but can be a bit difficult to plan on.