Getting Ready
What information is needed to be ready to score the tournament?
- Teams
From a scoring perspective, a team needs a team challenge and level. As a team cannot be added as participating in the tournament unless this information is supplied, the Score Room has little to check here. We might have teams that register but don't participate, but this will to be dealt with later. - Appraisers
It is more frequent that appraiser information is incompletely described in the Resource Area at the point you are "getting ready". To check the status of the appraisers, select Tournament=>appraisers, then select the Check Appraisers red tab. This page has functions to check: - if rooms have enough appraisers
- the score-items in a challenge have enough appraisers scoring them
- Advancement Rules
The Scoring Program needs the advancement rules to determine the teams that will advance to the next level tournament. For regional tournaments, the number of teams in each chal-lev advancing to the affiliate tournament is determined by the affiliate. For affiliate tournaments, DIHQ dictates the advancement rules for Global Finals. - Tournament Results
The information tournament directors need at the conclusion of a tournament varies widely based on local customs. Get an understanding of what is expected from the Score Room so you can figure out how to deliver it.
Both scoring programs can collect this information from the Resource Area.
- Team information is collected as part of the Team section of the tournament dashboard.
- Appraiser information is gathered as part of the Appraisers section of the tournament dashboard.
- Advancement rules can be set by clicking the Scoring Program Settings button in the Scoring Program section
Click here to see an example of the tournament dashboard.