A <part> construct typically corresponds to a section of livedoc.  It might be team choice elements, the safety section, etc.

A <part> construct:

  • introduces a section with an optional title
  • describes the purpose of a section with zero or more paragraphs in the body of the <part> (ie between the <part> and </part> tags).
  • contains an optional series of <element> constructs describing inputs for the section (more here)
  • zero or more nested <part>s describing any sub-sections

Here is an example:

<part name="ext-script" desc_clid="ext-script-desc" title="Script of Presentation" output="heading">

       If your team is presenting in a language other than English, you must provide a transcript or 

       subtitles of the dialogue in English for any video you submit. Teams that are presenting in English

       may submit a transcript or use subtitles, but it is not required. Transcripts and subtitles must only include spoken 

       dialogue. If your team includes non-dialogue information (staging directions, plot synopsis, etc.), this will not be read by the

       Appraisers and will not affect your team's scores.


       If you are submitting a transcript, please upload it as a PDF below. 

       <element type="attachment" clid="tc-script" name="tc-script" submit="optional">

               Video Script



The <part> is presented in the following order:

    1. title
    2. description
    3. nested <part>s in order
    4. <element>s in order

<part> constructs can have a number of attributes that control how they are displayed in the livedoc:

  • name: a unique name associates with the part 
  • title: the title for the section - generally the heading text
  • type: one of the following that typically controls formatting of elements with the part
    • simple: no special formatting
    • list:: elements should be a bulleted list
    • number-list:: elements should be a numbered list
    • table: element describe a table (not currently being used)
    • substitute: simple but look for substitutions that need to be made
    • expense-table: the construct for collecting expense related elements
  • substitute: if 1 the description is scanned for values that need to be substituted
  • output: an attribute that controls when the title and description are included in the output
    • all: title and heading emitted
    • heading: only heading emitted
    • none: neither the title or heading emitted
  • summary: TDFs have a summary of the elements with an answer in the upper right corner of the livedoc. summary=1 says this is a summary item.  summary_name supplies the label for the summary count.  Each element within the <part> that has a response will increment the summary count by 1.