Their are 2 paths through Officials Registration:

  1. the officials path
    This is the path officials take is via the the Officials menu.  Some of these menu picks are for the user that is logged in.  For example, register will allow the current user to register for the Global Finals.  The Officials Registration picks on this menu are:
    • nominate: for ADs, RDs, ICMs, Trustees, Staff
    • apply: for those that have been nominated
    • register: for officials, ADs, Rds, ATDs, Trustees, Staff, Contractors
    • status: for ADs to monitor affiliate registration
    • build event teams: for ICMs to create teams of officials
    • enter evaluations: for certain officials (HAs) to enter officials evaluations

If you need to see what one of these people is seeing, you can login as them using login as member on the User Account menu.

  1. the staff path
    The staff's path to Officials Registration is via both the Officials and Administration menus.  The Officials menu picks the staff might use are those that are not oriented toward the logged-in user.  These include:
    • nominate
    • status
    • enter evaluations

The Administration menu includes the following picks:

    • find person: will let you find a person who is an officials, team manager, team member etc
    • manage officials: lets you see much of Officials Registration
    • build event teams: lets you create and manage the teams of officials process