DMS menus have a set of properties:

  • the branch where they are used
    • any - all branches
    • ev - global finals
    • ra - resource area
    • sp - shop / store
  • a kind
    • bar - for a single level bar menu
    • drop - for a bar menu where each element has a dropdown menu
  • a region - the region in the template where they are displayed

The menu items also have a set of properties:

  • title - text for the item
  • kind
    • menu: top of the menu
    • link: part of the dropdown
      • link then give the link to the page to display
      • these can be controller in DMS or external URLs
  • access - indicates when the item should be displayed

Access is a string that describes when the item should be displayed.  On kind: menu it controls if the menu is present.  On kind: link it controls whether the dropdown element is displayed.  The strings contain AND ( | ) and OR ( + ) operators that support boolean equations.  The individual terms start with a keyword : condition.  Each term is either true or false that can be combined using AND and OR operators.  Here are the keywords:

  • log: in | out
    • in asks if the user is logged in - this is the default
    • out asks if the user is logged out
  • role: followed by one of the DMS yearly roles
    • role:AD is true if the user is an AD this year
  • res: asks if the user has a specific resource in the access control model
    • res:Control Panel asks if they have access to the control panel (this is an admin user)
    • res:Staff asks if they have staff level access