Each DMS page has several menus that are described in template.php (more here).

The content of these menus is determined in different ways.

Let's look at:

  • $sitemenu2 (upper right corner of the page that links to other DMS branch and help)
  • $footmenu (copyright, social media icons, etc)
    • $iconmenu is a subpart of $footmenu)
  • $mainmenu (purple or blue menu below the top banner)

The content of these menus is described in each branch by the file common/modules/libraries/<branch>_menus.php

  • ra_menus.php describes the Resource Area
  • gf_menus.php describes Global Finals
  • sp_menus.php describes the Shop / Store

In each of these files php arrays are used to describe the menus above.  These menus are transformed into records in the database by a utility found in the Resource Area (admin=>access utilities). 

  • Reload RA Menus reloads the Resource Area menus
  • Reload Shop Menus reloads the Shop menus
  • Reload Events Menus reloads Global Finals menus

The record structure consists of:

  • di_menu - a record for each menu along with its kind
  • di_menu_item - a record for each item in a menu

$submenu is the red-tab menu that appears on some DMS pages.  By default this template region is blank.  You can define this menu using the library common/libraries/TabMenu.php.  The library contains functions to:

  • add a tab describing its
    • text in the tab menu
    • title when displayed
    • controller to be invoked
  • the current tab to be displayed

Limiting which users see which tabs is defined by the controller rather than any information maintained in the tab menu.