Closing Ceremonies uses the Events website to display winners at Closing Ceremonies.

This feature uses a Javascript package call reveal.js to display slides in a browser.  That browser is then one of the feeds in the control room at closing ceremonies that is directed to displays in the closing ceremonies venue.

Setting this up for Global Finals needs work to be done at the website file level for each year.  This setup is described below.  After performing the setup below, check out Testing this Year's Closing Ceremonies to see if it all works.

Slide Background

The slide show consists of a background slide that has text displayed on the background.  The backgrounds can be found in the website assets/backgrounds directory.  There is a directory per year that contains the background.  Checkout the jpg files to see the resolution and dimensions of the background jpegs that have been used in the past.

The DIHQ creative team typically supplies the background.  Pete Sanford's company NXLevel typically has interest ss they typical run Closing Ceremonies from a control room perspective.  NXL level are the best contact for:

  • changes in resolution that might be expected for the year
  • interacting with their team for
    • any practicing prior to Closing Ceremonies
    • being in the correct place to display the winners during Closing Ceremonies 

CSS Changes

reveal.js uses CSS to control aspects of the slides it displays.  assets/js/reveal/css/theme contains most of the controllable css definitions.  You will find for each Global Finals a closing_{year}.css file for a given year.  When setting up a new Global Finals, create a new version for the current Global Finals from a prior year.  Likely the only change for the current year will be the font color.  Light colors are needed for dark background and vice-versa.  Font sizes are dictated largely by the text that will be displayed.

There is also a bit of CSS to check in the library awards/libraries/ClosingLib.php.  There are some defines at the top of the library that control several parts of the slide show.  A couple of these are listed below.  If  something like tex color needs to change from year to year, the library constructor will let you set this up per year.

  • kSlidePlaceLimit: the number of teams to place on a slide before splitting over 2 slides
  • kTenFourFontSize: font size for 10-4 text

Flags for New Affiliates

For special awards and 1-3 place finishes, a slide is generated for a specific team that includes:

  • team number, membership name and team name
  • logo for the challenge
  • affiliate flag

The affiliate flags are stored in assets/flags.  By convention the name of these .png files is the affiliate name with any spaces removed.  For example, the Cayman Islands flag image is CaymanIslands.png.  You can check for missing flags by clicking the Test Awards Flag button in Officials=>awards; Misc Actions page.  Flag images can be found on the internet on sites like Wikipedia, converted to .png images and placed in assets/flags directory.  The file name for the flag is stored in the flag field of the table di_affiliates.

Testing this Year's Closing Ceremonies

At the point you want to test this year's Closing Ceremonies you have no winners to display as the tournament has not occurred yet.  Officials=>awards, Misc Actions red tab has a feature to create test place finishes. Clicking the Generate Test Places button on this page will generate will assign place finishes to teams and generate one of each type of special award.  This is typically done on a test system.