Each term has an identifier called a lid (language-id).   In the XML files, they are described as follows:

       lid="A1"  or clid="TCE1"

lid specifies that the term is local to this XML file.  So the lid A1 can be different for tech challenge and the arts challenge.  clid specifies a shared term across multiple XML files. 

For score sheets (scoring items), the lids are defined in the content file for a challenge.  For example b_2024_content.xml lists the lids and clids for challenge B (scientific challenge for 2024).

For online forms the lids are defined in the XML files that describe the online documents.  process.xml describes the creative process fields found in each of the TDFs.  It has clids for the terms in this part of the TDF. clids (rather than lids) are used since the creative challenge is part of multiple TDFs.

lids are stored in the Resource Area's database.  There is a table of lids.  There is also a table that list each language's text for each term.

When you look at the translation page in the Resource Area, all the lids are grouped by translation set.  Diving down into a translation set shows its terms and the translations for that term.

The XML files that contain the lids are processed differently for score sheets and online forms.  The score sheet generator actually reads the XML files that describe the score sheet on the fly when generating the sheet.  As we need to do the translations before the generation occurs, we need a means of scanning the score sheets for lids.  The Scan Score Sheets button on the translation page does this.

Online forms are stored as records in the Resource Area's database.  At the point the records are created, the lids are created at the same time.