Translation file format
The translation for a set of terms can be done using an XML file like the one below.
A set of translations is bracketed by <translation> tags that identify the year and translation set name. Each term is bracketed by <lid> tags that indicate the lid for the term (name) and the English translation for the term. Also within the <lid> you can supply 0..more translations in various languages <trans> tags.
<translation year="2025" set="chal_a" >
<lid name="A" > Equipment
<trans lang="Polish" > Sprzęt </trans>
<trans lang="Spanish" > Equipo </trans>
<trans lang="Turkish" > Teçhizat </trans>
<lid name="A1" >
Technical Design of the Assembly Equipment
<trans lang="Polish" > Projekt techniczny urządzeń montażowych </trans>
<trans lang="Spanish" > Diseño Técnico de Equipos de Montaje </trans>
<trans lang="Turkish" > Montaj Ekipmanlarının Teknik Tasarımı </trans>