Below is a screen shot of final scores for a team.

The dropdown Select Team should include all teams where you are the team manager.  Pick the team you wish to review.

The results are at the bottom of the page.  The teams are listed in place finish order.  This challenge / level (Pinball Heros: tech / Elementary) had more teams competing than the 4 listed (note the requesting team is not listed). 

Columns 2 and 3 identify the team. The remaining columns are the scores.  The upper line has scaled scores; the lower line raw scores

Raw scores reflect the scores given by the appraisers.  For subjective items such as  Rw TCE, this is the average of the scores given by the appraisers.  Note you do not see each score item.  For example the entire Rw Inst (raw Instant Challenge) reflects the combination of all the raw IC scores.

Scaled scores are the raw scores that are then scaled per the pie charts you see in the Challenge.  We know that the max score for Team Choice Elements (TCE) is 60pts.  The 4th place team has 60 scaled points so they must have had the highest raw points for TCEs.  There score was scaled by 60/40.34 as where all the rest of the teams.

IC is worth 100pts.  The 4th place team has a scaled score of 100pts, so they got the highest IC score for this challenge / level.

The columns presented here likely differ from the columns you will see for your final scores.  All will have Total and Deduct column.  Total is the total scaled score (sum of the upper row).  Deduct is Other Deduction (points deducted for Unsportsmanlike Conduct).  The remaining columns are challenge-specific but often reflect objective scores.  For further explanation check your challenge or contact the person specified in the email that contained the link to this page.