Results in an enhanced feature for the 2023-24 DI Season.  It's purpose is to assist in the conclusion of a DI tournament by:

  1. letting you monitor the computing of tournament results
  2. print out reports that can be used to announce and report the results
  3. print certificates for winning teams (experimental)
  4. advance teams to the next level of competition

These features are intended to be used by the Affiliate Director,  Regional Director or Score Room Challenge Master.

You can access these features by:

  • picking Tournament=>results
  • clicking on the Post Results button on the Tournament Dashboard

These pages work together as follows:

  1. The Dashboard shows the status of challenge-levels for the tournament.  A challenge-level (called further in this help a chal-lev) represent a collection of teams competing with one another at the tournament (ie teams solving the same Team Challenge at specific age Level).  Once the Scoring Program has all the TC and IC scores for chal-lev it can score that chal-lev.  It can also push the results to the Dashboard.  Further detail on this page is covered in Dashboard Details
  2. Printing Certificates is an experimental feature for printing both place and special awards certificates.  As chal-levs are scored we can begin this printing process for that chal-lev.   Further detail on this page is covered in Printing Certificates.
  3. Advancing Teams is the final step when the tournament is over.  When you advance teams you are setting up for the next level of tournament.  This step is described here.