Mobile Scoring basically works as follows:

  • Appraisers use their own smart phones, tablets or laptops to enter their scores
    The advantage of this approach is that they are familiars with the device.
  • Scores entered by appraisers are uploaded into the DI Scoring Program
  • Officials such a Regional Directors, Challenge Masters, and Head Appraisers can monitor the entering of scores via the DI Resource Area.

For the most part, the DI Scoring Program performs its normal job of:

  1. collecting scores and deductions from appraisers
  2. printing Team Challenge raw scores to be shared with the team
  3. calculating the final place finishes of the teams
  4. providing the results in formats that can be shared with the community

Mobile Scoring adds a new method for #1.  In addition to entering scores and deductions from paper score sheets, appraisers can enter scores using mobile devices.

Mobile Scoring also adds a few features that may make your tournament run more smoothly:

  1. your schedule in the Resource Area can be transfered directly into the DI Scoring Program.
  2. the appraisers and appraiser assignments described in the Resource Area can be directly transfered to the DI Scoring Program