The import advancing teams details page is similar to other imports in the Resource Area.  Each row in the spread sheet (.CSV file) lists a team advancing to the next level tournament.

The required columns in the spread sheet are:

  • team number: can be either nnnnn or aaa-nnnnn (eg 31313 or 102-31313)
  • place: the place finish of the team (1=>1st place, 2=>2nd place...)
  • challenge:  can be the letter of the challenge or the official name of the challenge (letters: A B C D E PO RS)
  • challenge level: can be EL ML SL or UL

There is a single optional column:

  • advance: if this column contains a y (yes), the team will be advanced, otherwise it is not. This allows you to put the entire results of your tournament in a spread sheet and mark the teams that are advancing.  Default value for this column is yes.

There is a single option that appears on the right side of the page.

  • allow teams that did not compete: if not set, any team that did not compete at the tournament will be flagged as an error