The Edit Award pane lets you edit the details of an award. The same page is used by officials, ICMs or Program Directors when editing an award.

The Edit Award pane is displayed below.  From the controls you can:

  • set the kind of award (Spirit of DI, Renaissance, DaVinci,...)
  • whether the recipient is a team or individual
  • whether the award is based on a team challenge or instant challenge presentation
  • the text of the award in text area
    • the text area operates like a simple text editor supporting bolding, italics and various lists
  • (For) a synopsis phrase to be read during announcement of the award 
    • using 120 characters or less, describe the reason for the award including a specific reference to the Presentation
    • this is a phrase (not a sentence) designed to give the announcer some flexibility in presentation
    • the phrase should read naturally following:  This award is given for: ___________________
    • examples: 
      • the engineering of the cantilevered bridge that supported the structure
      • numerous references in the dialog of the skit to radio personalities of the 1940s

The buttons above the text area will vary based on the status of the award.  If you see no buttons, the award cannot be changed by you at the current time.  This is likely because it is in the hands of someone else at the moment or this challenge level is not accepting further awards. Look at the information following the team number and organization for the detail. In parentheses you will find the award status (where it is in the pipeline).  In square brackets you will see the state of the challenge level.

The buttons presented list your options in changing the award.  The buttons have the following meaning:

  • Save: save changes to the award text or controls, but do not change the status of the award
  • Submit: (author only) submit this award for approval
  • Delete: (author only) delete this award
  • Approve: (ICM or Program Director) approve the award to the next stage in the process
  • Decline: (ICM or Program Director) decline the award
  • Return: (ICM or Program Director) return the award to the prior step in the process.  This is how an ICM could return an award to the author for further editing.