The Resource Area notifies the Web Scoring Program (WSP) when a tournament's scoring changes.  This includes:

  • an appraiser submits or unsubmits scores for a team
  • a deduction or comment is added or deleted
  • a team's status changes such a being dropped or reinstated

As a result there are no actions in the WSP Score Room Personnel must take to update its scores.  It all happens automatically.  You should see chal-levs, teams, etc update as scoring progresses.

To see results for a chal-lev, click on it box in the Tournament Summary as you would do to see the teams in the chal-lev.  Above the list of teams you will see either of 2 buttons:

  • Display Final Scores if all the scores for the chal-lev have been received
  • Display Partial Scores if some scoring is still outstanding

If you click on either of these buttons, a dialog box with the final scores is displayed as shown below.  If some scores are still outstanding the scores are calculated as if these teams did not exist.

The  3 buttons in the upper left corner of the dialog box are actions you can take:

  • X dismisses the dialog box
  • Report sends the scores to the Resource Area
  • Print prints the scores

To see all the final scores for the tournament, use the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of any window.  You should see a menu like the one below.

  • Display Final Result displays a dialog box like the one above, but it contains all chal-levs at the tournament
  • Report Results sends the results of all chal-levs to the Resource Area

Click anywhere outside the menu to dismiss the menu.