The role the Score Room plays in different affiliates varies widely. Under this topic we'll cover random topics that you may need to address.  Let us know if other topics need to be added (email: [email protected]).

A starting point is to understand others associated with the tournament that might be valuable in answering questions.

  • scheduling: this is usually done by the tournament director
  • appraisers: this varies widely from tournament to tournament.  
    • At some tournaments, the challenge masters recruit appraisers
    • Registration systems like RYT capture tournaments - the tournament director likely knows how this was turned into appraiser teams
  • scoring rules: the Score Room is turned to for answers / explanations
    • spend time understanding the scoring section of the Rules of the Road
    • the scoring of individual challenges are described in the challenges
    • team managers will turn to you to explain the numbers in the Hall of Scores
  • challenge expertise: this should be the RCMs or ACMs that are or will be at the tournament
    • this is also a good resource for more detail on the scoring of individual challenges