Team Registration is vehicle for:

  • identifying the teams that will attend global finals
  • identifying the team managers, team members and adults that comprise each team
  • getting these people housed and fed
  • collecting the charges resulting from housing and meals

The steps a team needs to go through for Team Registration:

  1. The teams are advanced to Global Finals by being certified as a winner for their affiliate.
    This job is done by the affiliates AD.  

  2. Teams agree that they will attend or not
    Upon being certified by the AD, the team manager for each team will receive an email directing them to this website.  At that point, the team manager can indicate if the team is coming or not.

    If the team chooses not to come, we will need to open up certification for a replacement team.

  3. Team starts providing us data we need using the Team Registration wizard.
    This process for a single team can go on for a week or two.  Compound that with the fact that different affiliates certify over a span of roughly 2 months, the team registration process goes no for a couple of months.

  4. The team reserves their spot
    This is done in the Reserve pane.

There are always stragglers in this registration process.  DIHQ spends the last few weeks getting final commitments out of teams and taking the data in this site to drive final preparations for the teams at the tournament.