A number of websites manage DIHQ's web environment.  Roughly these sites can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. program content sites
    These sites describe DI mission using the web.  They include content managed by various tools such as Joomla and WordPress. The tools used are based on the preferences of the maintainers.  For the most part, these sites are developed directly online using the interfaces supplied by the underlying tools.  The sites are open to the public.  Sites in this group include:
    • www.destinationimagination.org (also idodi.org)
    • www.globalfinals.org

  1. program management sites
    These sites are used for actually running DI's programs.  They manage the purchasing of team-paks, distributing team-pak information to affiliates, payment of affiliate fees and commissions, the clarification process, and the data needed to run Global Finals.  The sites are NOT open to the public; you need an account to use them.  Your account determines the information that you can access.  Sites in this group include:




base tool


www.shopdi.org  or resources.destinationimagination.org/shop.php

a customized shopping cart used for selling DI products such as team-numbers along with other more standard items like books and clothing

code igniter

resource area


a site that manages information for affiliates and DIHQ including team-numbers, documents, clarifications, and score sheets

code igniter

event management system


a site currently used to manage Global Finals

code igniter

Most of these sites have backing databases.  For the program content sites, this is largely managed by the underlying tool (such as Joomla) that manages the site.

In the case of program management sites, the sites use a single database name shopdi.  This has made it possible for people to have a set of DI credentials for accessing most features.