The diagram below shows the tools currently available that assist in scoring a tournament.

The Resource Area is a website that sets up tournaments.  Using the Resource Area:

  • tournaments are defined
  • teams are scheduled to compete at a tournament
  • appraiser teams are formed
  • the information needed by appraisers (online forms) are reviewed
  • the scoring of teams is monitored
  • the result of a tournament can be posted

The Mobile Client is web-based app an appraiser can use to:

  • track the teams they will score
  • record the appraiser's scores so they can be forwarded to the scoring program
  • view a team's online forms
  • create sticky notes
  • add deductions and comments as necessary

Currently DI has 2 tools to calculate the results of a tournament.

  1. a java-based app known as the Classic Scoring Program
    The Classic Scoring Program is released each season and needs to be installed on a computer.  The release for the 2025 DI season includes the scoring rules for 2025 team challenges and 2025 instance challenges.  It will work in either of 2 modes:
    1. scores entered in the Mobile Client can be imported from the Resource Area
    2. appraisers can record their scores on paper score sheets - personnel in the Score Room can then enter these scores into the Classic Scoring Program
  2. a web-based app known as the Web Scoring Program
    This scoring program requires no installation.  It can be launched from the tournament dashboard. The Web Scoring Program relies on the Mobile Client for appraiser scores.  It does not support scores entered from score sheets.