The Preferences area contains a few preferences you might want to consider for your tournament.

The preferences do the following:

  • Email Reply:
    When the Resource Area sends email to team managers or appraisers, the person you choose will be who the email is from.
    Email can be sent with links to the Mobile Client or for Raw Scores. This person would get any replies.

    The default person is the Affiliate Director, but it can be changed to the Regional Director or one of the people running the Score Room.  The Resource Area will use the email it has on file for the person chosen.

  • TC HA can change scores:
    Different tournaments have different rules about whether a Head Appraiser can change scores in the Resource Area.  This preferences lets you control this for Team Challenge.

  • IC HA can change scores
    Different tournaments have different rules about whether a Head Appraiser can change scores in the Resource Area.  This preferences lets you control this for Instant Challenge.

  • ATO using Scoring Program
    At a few tournaments, an ATO might be running the DI Scoring Program.  If your tournament does this, check the box so the Resource Area will let that person gain access to the Resource Area from the DI Scoring Program.

  • Show Schedule
    At some tournaments, Officials running the tournament might not want to show Resource Area schedules.  This preference controls whether the schedule is visible.