Here is a checklist for Officials running a DI tournament. This page is designed to connect you with the part of the Resource Area that deals with the topic.  See the Officials Support page for more detail on the steps in the process.

Each step provides:

  • the people the Resource Area expects to deal with the step in square brackets (eg [AD / RD] )
    Others may be able to do the operations.  Consult the Tournament Roles page for details.
  • where you will find the feature in the Resource Area (eg RA: Affiliates=>manage events )
    The example indicates the feature is on the Affiliates dropdown using the manage events pick.
  • a more detailed page describing the feature by clicking on Detail in this help

Prior to the Tournament

  1. define the tournament [AD / RD]
    RA: Affiliates=>manage events
    RA: Tournaments=>dashboard (Select another Tournament or Edit Tournament)
    Detail: general description
    Detail: editing the current tournament definition

  2. assign teams to regions [AD / RD]
    RA: Teams=>assign teams

  3. make sure all teams at tournament have challenge and level defined  [AD / RD]
    RA: Teams=>affiliate teams

  4. create a schedule [AD / RD]
    RA: Tournaments=>schedule

  5. add appraisers [AD ACM / RD RCM]
    RA: Tournaments=>appraisers (Appraiser Teams or Import Appraisers tab)

  6. set the instant challenges [AD IC-ACM / RD RD-RCM]
    RA: Tournaments=>appraisers (Instant Challenge tab)

  7. do appraiser assignments [ACM / RCM]
    RA: Tournaments=>appraisers (Appraiser Assignment tab)

  8. print score sheets [AD ACM / RD RCM]
    RA: Tournaments=>score sheets

  9. initialize the DI Scoring Program [SR-ACM / SR-RCM]

  10. let appraisers practice [SR-ACM / SR-RCM] [mobile scoring]

At the Tournament

  1. ensure appraisers Mobile Clients are working [SR-ACM / SR-RCM] [mobile scoring]
    RA: Tournaments=>mobile scoring (Appraiser Activity tab)

  2. make last minute adjustments to scoring assignments  [AD ACM / RD RCM]
    RA: Tournaments=>mobile scoring (Appraisers by Room tab)

  3. monitor the tournament [All] [mobile scoring]
    RA: Tournaments=>mobile scoring (Tournament Rooms)

After the Tournament

  1. print out results
  2. advance teams to the next tournament
    RA: Tournaments=>results