The Resource Area plays several roles in mobile scoring.

  • It supports the setup of the tournament including
    • the teams that are competing (more detail here)
    • the appraisers that will appraise the teams (more detail here)
  • It supports ICMs, HAs, and ATOs managing mobile scoring including
    • assigning the scoring items each appraiser will score (more detail here)
    • emailing links to appraisers to simply login
    • monitoring the scoring done by each appraiser using their mobile device
    • unlocking submitted scores if there is a need to make a change

The team information is

  • used by the DI Scoring Program to identify all the teams competing
  • used by the mobile client to identify the teams an appraiser must score

The appraiser information is

  • used by the DI Scoring Program to identify the appraisers that will be submitting scores
  • used by the mobile client to identify the following for each appraiser
    • the tournaments where they will appraise
    • the teams they will appraise
    • the items they will score for each team